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Best Web Development Company in South Africa - Webnet Designs

Following on from the website design process we next move in the website development phase.

This is broken down into 2 parts: Part 1 - creating the Custom Joomla Template, in this part we take apart the design composite (Design) and liberate all design assets we will require - like the logo, the background images, the colours, gradients and textures - as we may need for the coding - where possible we always try to use best practices so embedding specific fonts, brining in CSS3 colour gradients - transforms and all the good stuff that brings a design to life. Once we have the template done we move onto the second part. Part 2 - creating the shell and core functionality, in this part we start creating the shell of the site - adding the slideshows, galleries, social media and all the good stuff that makes a design come to life and serve a purpose - so recruitment sites get the functionality they require - like posting jobs/ taking applications/ writing CV's - Booking sites like bookineasy take accommodation listings, create online calendars link up with payment processing engines and all the things you can imagine would be required for an online accommodation booking system. Our hospitality sites are filled with the things one would look for when planning a stay - trip advisor links, booking buttons, large exciting imagery, compelling content and so much more.

In all cases we follow best practices as they give our projects longevity we also stick with the Joomla! CMS as our framework as its currently the world most popular CMS with all the power out of the box - this helps cut down development time and is a saving we pass on to our clients. Our coding area of speciality: PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and XML


Shine bright like a diamond

Contact us today for your Website to reflect it’s true potential

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